Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Let's see, let's see, the last hour has been amusement for Loki, to be sure.

My leetle 17" monitor seems to not want to work anymore (is hooked up to the laptop), so I finally got the gumption to get the gi-normous 20" monitor from the garage and set it up. Why not? Well, because it is heavy as hell, is why not.

This I discovered while attempting to haul it, making many stoppages on the path from garage to office. Finally got it on the desk, only to discover that in my absence, the cat had barfed on all the connections coming from the laptop, including the piece d' resistance, the adaptor that allows the pc monitor to work with the mac laptop. She barfed *in* it. Talent to be sure.

And of course, not contained to the desk, but dripping off the desk, was the food and liquid formerly contained in her tummy. All. Over. The. Wires. On. The. Floor. Yep. And, in the hardest to reach spot, of course, one that requires me to lie on a shelf and turn my body left to reach behind the desk and mop up. I'm sure quite a sight to see, if anyone else but the animals were here to watch.

A depressed me might have actually left the crap on the floor to dry : thank god I'm not depressed. EW.

So, after the cleaning frenzy, I lugged the monitor to it's proper place and plugged the kit and kaboodle in, and "bzzzzzz." Monitor no worky. Same as the other! Shite.

So, there is no prob with the other 17" -- it must be the adaptor, or perhaps the power cord, because I used the same one. Geez. Well, not to be crushed by simple technology and Mercury Retrograde, I rebooted, twice.

Second reboot, SUCCESS!

Yippeee! Big, HUGE monitor faces me and makes me no longer slouch forward, trying to read things. And, now I can feel good about selling the other monitor in the garage sale we'll be having, because contrary to popular opinion, it *does* work.

And, on another bright note, while I was outside, futzing in the garage trying to find said 20", I ran into a neighbor I've wanted to get to know better, and we made a breakfast date for tomorrow. Huzzah!


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