Thursday, January 06, 2005

Well, hey there.

How are you? Good, good.

It's a new year and all. Take a gander. I'm thinking it is a good year to write. The carpal tunnel is beginning to wane, with me not being on the computer so much, and with my ThirdAge gig soon the go the way of the dodo (am part-time now) I feel a new, kinder, gentler attitude toward sitting at this mechanical beast.

Might even have some ideas about some things, too. Maybe.

Am continuing to be overwhelmed by the stories of the tsunami -- the rescues, the survivors, the aid *finally* being given. The war in Iraq continues to rage on, yet seems so small next to Mother Nature's wreckage.

How can one thing that was so all-consumming become almost insignificant in just a blink of an eye? Yet, it is still important to pay attention, to do the protest, to write the letters, because this administration is prolly crowing over the fact that most eyes are turned toward Asia.

I feel great empathy for Colin Powell, also, doing this last tour across the ravaged tsunami areas. Signed a deal with the devil and has to deal with it to the bitter end. Touring with Jeb, of all people. Geez.

Around the homestead here, though, we have peaceful times. I'm awaiting the signal from my client who is due any moment --truly, she is 3-4 cm dialated and 80% effaced. Ready, set, go! I know that I'm not cut out to be a labor doula long-term, because this waiting makes me crazy and sleepless, which isn't the best prep for being on my toes in the likely middle of the night. February brings another client -- postpartum this time. I am so lucky with these two -- lovely families each.

Still have the xmas tree up --really don't want to take it down as it still smells good and looks so pretty. I love plugging in the lights every day, and the outside lights at night. Why don't we do this year-round? Perhaps that is why so many of us love setting up candles all around the house, to create that cheer and celebratory vibe around us all the time.

New Year's was lovely -- very much a First Night celebration. We had my cousin Mike and wife Ada and scroglet, Izzy over for the weekend, along with another pal, Canadian Matt and his kidlet Nathan. Ada and I created a feast, Nathan bbq'd a turkey I prepped and we ate and played games until the year ran out. Was the way to do it, really, family and friends and fun. A Tradition, to be sure.

Well, work to be done here. Must do the stuff for The Man first before enjoying the day.

Will be back, with more than a news report, me hopes.


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