Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Drove up to SF today, to get my plants (which did not fit in the moving truck) and to do a little visit with the pals. Much melancholia tears at me, as it is wont to do lately. I soaked in the sunshine coming in the window up the 5 fwy and wondered about this state I've been in.

Today is my child's birthday. He turned 20. How the hell all those years have passed, I just don't know. He lives in Modesto, and it's always strange to drive past the exit going north to south or vice versa. "He's just over there," I always think. Funny, Nathan's recently been hit up by a head hunter who wants him to consider a job in Modesto. Ironic, methinks.

Tired and erk after the drive, staying with Carrie, who is consummed with a whirlwind romance and job stuff. The life of this little bundle of Scorpio ever changes, and ever stays the same. Part of me pays attention and responds to her self-described mania, the other part of me mourns...I'm not sure what. Deep, protected parts of me that need some TLC. It wasn't the time, nor the place to get that, so, I tucked it away just a little further, to examine another day.

It's all fine, just fine.


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