Thursday, February 26, 2004

For today, from

Feb 26, 2004 - Transiting Mars Square Natal Mars

There's tension in the air that needs to be turned into action. This is
not a time to defend the past or your old methods. New approaches may be
necessary to unlock the gears. Step back and consider taking a completely
different approach to turn problems into opportunities. Impatience and
anger may come from holding on too tightly. Don't let yourself be pushed
around, but the real challenge is to take a decisive new path of action,
rather than battling others.

For the next week, from

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Lent is the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter when devout Christians commemorate the 40 days that Christ allegedly spent resisting the devil's temptations in the wilderness. Growing up Episcopalian, I was taught to imitate Jesus every year at this time by giving up something I had a strong attachment to. My usual choice was candy. It so happens, Virgo, that even if you're not Christian, the coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to renounce three experiences that you have become a bit addicted to. Those experiences are berating yourself, denying yourself pleasure, and giving till it hurts. I urge you to give them all up between now and April 10.

I read up on some of the Pisces postings, too, since that's my rising sign (if you pay attention to any of that, which, upon occasion, I do.). Pisces was all about changing things up, letting go and starting fresh.

I was considering this earlier today, while driving home from a yoga studio (stopped to get a sched.). I thought, "Well, today, I could start in on a healthier path. Permanently. Really commit. *That would be new."

And a few minutes later, this thought popped into my head:

"Or, I could start drinking heavily (visions of red wine at noon danced thru my mind). Every day. That, too, would be novel."

Ahem. I don't think that's what the stars were saying, though.


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